Saturday, December 25, 2010

Finally... gifts from Mommy and Daddy!

This year we decided to give the kids 3 gifts a piece. Here's what they got!

Hayden got a baby doll bed.

A leapfrog learning game.

And.... her own kitty that purrs!

Dylan got a Diary of a Wimpy kids shirt.

A pair of comfy slippers for school.

And a Harry Potter Lego Game for DS.

Emily got a Sterling Silver ring that says Peace.

A pair of boots.

And a Dolphin necklace with black diamonds.

Skyler got a cover for his DS.

A "Lear to Read" game for his DS.

And...................... A DSI................. HE was sooooo excited!

After gifts, we had a wonderful christmas dinner! We missed our friends and family, but truly enjoyed our first christmas in Florida! :)

Mommy being showered by gifts!

 Emily got me a pair of slippers.
 Skyler got me a weight loss game for DS.
 Dylan got me a pair of beautiful earnings.
 deryk got me a griddle, and 2 books.
 and a heart and diamond ring.
 Hayden got me a framed collage of dried butterflies.
And Deryk got me a gorgeous necklace.

And there's one more round of christmas to go! 

Time for Gifts to Daddy!

 Hayden got Daddy fishing hooks and bobers.
 Dylan got him fishing line, hooks and bobers.
 Emily got him weights.
 I got him a coffee pot, slippers, flip flops, and sleep pants.
 As well as lotto tickets, a crispers gift card, some tools.
And Skyler got him a fishing tackle box to hold all of his fishing supplies.

Round 4...... Kid's gifts to each other!

 The kids had a great time last week shopping for each other. And an even better time giving their gifts to one another!

Hayden got Dylan a Magic Treehouse mind twister puzzle book.
 Skyler got Hayden a baby doll food set.
Hayden got Skyler a play dough set. 

 Hayden got Emily an American Girl Lanie book.

Skyler got Dylan the last Diary of a Wimpy kid book.
Dylan got Hayden a baby doll that cries.

 Emily got Dylan a Nerf Gun.
 Skyler got Emily the book Tangled.
Emily got Skyler a christmas play dough set.

Dylan got Emily a Justin Beiber Poster.
Dylan got Skyler a big play dough set.
Emily got Hayden a stroller for her baby dolls.

The kids all had a great time! But the day's not quite over yet! 

Round 3.... opening gifts from Timmy!

 Timmy got the kids all gifts that they were really excited about!!!

Dylan got a Spiderman game for DS.

Hayden got a set of blocks.

Emily got Cooking Mama 2 for DS.

And Skyler got Cars for DS.

Now onto round 4....... gifts from each other!

Christmas Morning... Round 2.... Opening Gifts from Nannie and Pop-Pop!

 After breakfast, we proceded to open our next round of gifts!

Emily got a cross necklace, a Justin Beiber cd, a Just 4 girls book, the movie 27 dresses, a makeup set and some clothes.
 Skyler got a pocket knife, pj's, a race car mat, a v-smile system and set and a Toy story game.
 Dylan got a pocket knife, Just 4 boys book, a GI joe video camera helmet, a set of walkie talkies and a buck hunting game for wii.
And, Hayden got a baby doll, a set of blocks, a tea set, a ride on car some books and clothes.

And as our family gift, we got a portable DVD player. Deryk and I also got some money to get ourselves something special.!

And then..... we were off to round 3......

Round One Christmas Morning...... Opening Gifts From Santa!

 Emily got 2 Justin Beiber books, 2 fairy statues, a fairy ornament, bobby jack sleep pants, tennis shoes, Crafting Mama for DS, Top Model for DS, and an American Girl doll.
 Dylan got a rubix cube, Game Cheats for DS, Tony Hawk sleep pants, Tony Hawk tennis shoes, Nurf gun, Spelling game for DS, Jack Skeleton belt, Tony Hawk wallet, Despicable Me movie and Sonic Racing for DS.
 Skyler got a pair of water shoes, lots of play dough sets, a Tom and Jerry movie, a pair of shoes, lots of clothes, a racing set, cars, track, and Knights for DS.
Hayden got a baby doll, a see and say, a ravens jersey, pair of shoes, clothes and books.

After we opened santa's gifts, we took a break and had a nice breakfast of sausage and gravy with biscuts. Then we moved on to round 2!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas... And all through the house...

The kids we excited... to open some early gifts from family
We all sat down on the living room floor
To open gifts from Grandmom Noel, Aunt Christy and more

 Emily got the game Jenga and a very pretty watch
Dylan got a Game board and pieces that match
Skyler got a motorcycle and a box of Lego's
And Hayden got My little Pony and stamps to color
 Deryk got a shirt from LL bean
And I got cookbooks to make muffins and cookies
We cleaned up after ourselves
and put their new gifts up on the shelves
The kids all got into their Christmas Jammies
Footie Pajamas this year to stay nice and cozy
Even thought the weather was not cold
62 degrees to be exact

They each took their picture by the christmas tree
And put out milk and cookies and for Santa to eat 
Then it was time to get into their beds
and let all of their christmas wishes run through their heads

The sleeping kiddies were dreaming in glee,
hoping to find cool gifts under the tree.
They all knew that Santa was well on his way,
but instead of sleeping, they were looking for a sleigh.
The tropical moon gave the lake a glow,
and lighted the way for old Santa below.
As he jumped from his sleigh he gave a wee chuckle,
he was dressed in Bermudas with and a shirt with buttons,

There weren't any chimneys, but that caused no gloom,
for Santa came in through the Florida room.
He stopped at each house....stayed only a minute,
emptying his sack of stuff that was in it.
Before he departed, he treated himself
to a glass of orange juice upon the shelf.
He turned with a jerk and bounced to the sleigh,
remembering he still had to get on his way.

He gave a quick tug on the reindeers reins
and up in the air he went, but exclaimed
as he drifted out of sight,

Merry Christmas from the Anderson's!