Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Today we had a wonderful day celebrating Skyler's 5th birthday!!!!

 We have been asking Skyler what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he had finally came to a decision. He wanted to go to the skate park.
 So, we got up and ready this morning and loaded the bikes, skateboards and skooters into the van and headed out for the day! We started at the Auburndale Skate Park. Skyler was very excited to show off his tricks. We played for about a half hour and then decided to head out.
 We left the skate park and headed down the street to the Auburndale City Park. A HUGE park with a 3 level payground for the big kids, a smaller playground for the smaller kids, a rock wall, a train to play on, swings and lots more! The kids had a great time!
 After they played for awhile, we decided to have lunch. Of course I was prepared and packed us a picnic lunch. We sat under one of the LARGE umbrellas at a picnic table and enjoyed our lunch. Then the kids went out to play some more.
 Eventually we decided to give out our gifts. Skyler was so excited to get them all. Daddy got him a small pellet gun. Mommy and Hayden got him a pbs kids dvd  and computer game.
 Emily got him a pack of scooby doo stickers and Dylan got him a pair of flip flops with skulls on them.
 After gifts, we walked across the street to the Bakery where we let Skyler choose his cupcake. We all got desserts. Skyler chose a strawberry cupcake with buttercreme icing and christmas sprinkles. Emily got a expresso cupcake with mocha icing. Dylan chose a large chocolate chip cookie. Deryk got a gingerbread cupcake with vanilla icing. I chose a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing. Now of course, Hayden got the best of all... she shared with allllll of us!
 Unfortuately, they were not as good as they looked. Be we enjoyed them anyway.
 When we got home, one of Skyler's new friend, Timmy came over to bring him is birthday gift. It was a dirtbike. They had a great time playing!
 We let Skyler choose his dinner tonight, and his choice was Taco Bell. After we enjoyed our tacos, Skyler opened his other gifts. He got a Jet from Grandma Noel and a Action figure set from Nannie and Pop Pop. He was very happy with all of his gifts!
 Yesterday, Skyler and I went out to pick his cake. He decided to choose a reese's cake.
We all sang "Happy Birthday" and he blew out his candle! I just cant believe that my baby boy is 5 already! :(      Time sure does fly by fast!

:)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)     :)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I had a great 5th birthday!
Love, Skyler

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