Saturday, December 25, 2010

Round One Christmas Morning...... Opening Gifts From Santa!

 Emily got 2 Justin Beiber books, 2 fairy statues, a fairy ornament, bobby jack sleep pants, tennis shoes, Crafting Mama for DS, Top Model for DS, and an American Girl doll.
 Dylan got a rubix cube, Game Cheats for DS, Tony Hawk sleep pants, Tony Hawk tennis shoes, Nurf gun, Spelling game for DS, Jack Skeleton belt, Tony Hawk wallet, Despicable Me movie and Sonic Racing for DS.
 Skyler got a pair of water shoes, lots of play dough sets, a Tom and Jerry movie, a pair of shoes, lots of clothes, a racing set, cars, track, and Knights for DS.
Hayden got a baby doll, a see and say, a ravens jersey, pair of shoes, clothes and books.

After we opened santa's gifts, we took a break and had a nice breakfast of sausage and gravy with biscuts. Then we moved on to round 2!

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