Saturday, January 15, 2011

More grades and activities from this past week at school!

 This week Dylan continued to show good work and great skills. He has improved in his math and reading.

This is a math paper that he got a 70.
 Emily is also showing improvement in her work.

This is a reading comprehension paper that she got a 72 on.

 Another reading comprehension paper that Emily got a 67 on.
 And a math paper that Emily got a 100 on.

We had a meeting at the school on Thursday to discuss their progress. Emily's teacher, Mrs. Favuza, said that she is doing very well and adjusting to her new school and catching up nicely.

Dylan's teacher, Mrs. Harder, has said that Dylan is starting to adjust and is showing signs of improvement.

We met with the school counselor, psychiatrist, ESE teacher, Speech teacher, principal and his teacher to discuss a 504 plan. It is being put into place as of January 18th and will help him with more time to complete assignments, breaking assignments up into multiple parts and verbal directions. We are hoping that this will help him greatly!
 Skyler had a great week of school. They studied winter and snow. they made snowmen, snow, played games with hats and mittens and drank hot chocolate and made marshmallow snowmen.
He really enjoys school!

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