Friday, January 7, 2011

This week the kid's had a great week of school!

This week was Skyler's first week of school. He was so excited! He has had a great week and absolutely <3 LOVE'S <3 school! He is so excited to go everyday! 

 The kid's have brought home some graded work this week that we were excited to share!

This was Emily's 5 minute math facts Quiz!
 This was Emily's science report on Caring for Horses. She took alot of time over christmas break to complete this and did a GREAT job! This counts has 2 grades for her science!
 This is their agenda that they bring home everyday! This is Dylan's for this week that we are soooo proud of! His teacher says he had a great week and really worked hard this week!
 This is a multiplication facts worksheet Dylan did!
 Another multiplication worksheet from Dylan.
 Another math worksheet from Emily!
 And Dylan's last math multiplication worksheet!

And this was Dylan's Division work!

They all did a great job and I hope that their work continues!

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