Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Birthday!

My birthday started and continued like any other day, until dinner time! Deryk ordered and picked up Chili's for dinner! Yummmyyy!!! Then the celebration began!

 As many of you may know, I have really gotten into cooking and baking lately. I really enjoy it. So, my birthday gifts were all things to help my newfound hobby!

Emily got me a rolling pin. This was great, because when we make our christmas cookies, I literally used a wooden dowel to roll out the dough! lol
 Hayden got me some pink breast cancer measuring cups!
 Dylan got me a strainer!
 And some new, really sharp knives!
 This is me blowing out my candles on my red velvet cake. Yes, Deryk put 29 candles on there!
 Hayden also got me a spatula!

 Here is Deryk carrying the cake, with ALL 29 candles, LIT!
 Skyler got me a baster!
And a new pair of pink breast cancer kitchen scissors!

It was a great birthday! Thanks Guys! I Love you!

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